Friday, November 9, 2007


I was getting off the elevator in Breck this past week when a multicolored flyer caught my attention. To no surprise, this awesome advertisement was from the Art Department, promoting their Art Faculty Show.

What I really like about the design is the way the text is lined up to where it spells out in black, the most perfect description: TEACH MAKE SHOW ART. As far as color scheme goes, they done a great job incorporating sequence of a rainbow by starting with red toward the bottom and ending with a shade of violet toward the top.

Although I find this to be very creative and impressive, I would suggest increasing increase the space between the groups of text or putting a shadow on the black text to better distinguish the idea of the formation of the letters into words.

Finding the placement of this flyer was a smart move for the art department, since many of their students, or those who are at least interested somewhat in art, are also advertising majors or minors and have numerous classes in Breck. I consider this a job well done on pin pointing their target market.

Overall, I believe this is a really impressive ad. It gets its point across in a very creative manner by displaying the faculty’s names as a piece of art and has actually convinced me to check out the Art Faculty Show for myself! In all honesty, I wish I had designed this poster. You better bet I would be taking all bragging rights!

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