His Inaugural Address was very well delivered, yet I wouldn’t expect less. Obama was very passionate and about what he was saying to the millions of people who were listening to him all around the world. I believe he had ideal body language and eye contact from beginning to end. He maintained a steady pace within the presentation of his speech. At the same time, he was very personable and upheld his creditability.
Just off the top of my head, I can’t recall any individual lines from Obama’s speech, although “hope and virtue” is one phrase that really stands out in my memory. I do recall this talk of virtue to have been introduced by a quote from none other than George Washington. I liked that he referred to such a famous past president and related it to his message.
Personally, I found his speech to be very motivating and inspiring. The line where he said “today is the day..” showed immediacy and was followed by a call to service. I also found his message interesting and entertaining. Within his message to the world, he basically said the United States is friendly, but we will get you if you attack us!
Overall, I believe Obama’s speech was very well done. Through the course of his campaign, I learned he was a very inspirational speaker and he proved that once again with his Inaugural Address. I wish the best for both President Obama and our country.